Saturday, December 1, 2007 @12:12 AM
Semester 3 Exam Look-back
I realise every time I try blogging these days, I either
- never finish the entry, resulting in it becoming just another of the many permanent "drafts" I have; or
- forget what I had meant to blog about.
I've not seen undoable exam papers until this semester - two in fact - both of which frankly were not difficult ("tutorial-questions standard"), but I still had no idea how to do the questions! Despite having gone through the tutorials. I know this must mean that I'm inadequately prepared, but this time, it does seem I'll be punished. Big time.
6: The number of papers I had to take.
4: The number of days my exams were spread over.
2: The number of days on which I had two papers.
1: The number of handphones that rang loud and clear in the middle of an exam. Surprisingly few this semester - maybe all the students wisened up? The phone rang thrice though; the ringtone: Michael Jackson's "Black or White". Must have been a real Jacko fan eh.
♥ lovestoned